Summer 2016: Becoming a Legend

Summer 2016 marks a moment of revolution not only within Men's Personal care but in Men's mental and physical health. Political frustrations around the world, markets fluctuating like never before, new tech, and just all around change, skincare for men would be left behind if it does not impact a man's daily life. 

GOA Skincare's 2016 campaign, Becoming a Legend, celebrates the working man, the busy, the mentally strong, the physically apt to bulldoze through their vices and continue to grow as men. Through style, results and producing possibilities to eliminate the after-effects of excess habits on the skin, GOA creates a new world of high impact solutions for men. 


Award winning skin serums, gels, and anti-aging shaving solutions which include GOA Skincare's Dark Phyto-Matter technology (DPM). DPM produces a fast-acting delivery system to pull active ingredients into men's skin which is thicker, oilier, smaller pored and produces a different pH than that of women's skin.


2017 will mark the first ever Lifestyle-Dedicated Skin & Grooming Solutions which produce personalized results. As your lifestyle develops or changes, so does your skin. General skin solutions are not enough while moving through a fast-paced and busy life. Custom-made skin solutions in our lab will be possible with an in-house algorithm.


View our award winning product line and experience the world's first anti-vice skin & grooming solutions.

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