Pro Wash Class

Pro Wash Class


Building the perfect cleanser is as difficult as formulating any other product. The primary result is to detox your skin form daily pollutants and bacteria without stripping natural oils from your skin. Secondary results you may want from your cleanser have to do with specific skin issues such as treating sensitive skin, acne, or wrinkles. I'll go into what ingredients are best for specific issues in another video. 
So, what should you be looking for in a face cleansing product? 
  • Hydrating ingredients like hyaluronic acid and non-pore clogging oils to make sure the product doesn't dry out the skin - Especially if you're using the cleanser more than once a day.
  • Key Active Ingredients - Whether your'e wanting to get rid of acne, oily, or wrinkles, read about what ingredients actually work to solve that problem. You'll also want a product that is formulated with little to no water to keep it packed with those ingredients to make sure it's doing it job.
  • Stay clear of multi-use facial washes or 2 in 1 washes that say they exfoliate at the same time. Without proper cleansing of the skin, wash-scrubs can cause more damage than good - Your skin is a living organ, and these small details count.
  • Find out what irritates your skin. If you've dealt with irritation in the past but don't know what your sensitive to, make a patch test - which means applying the product on a small area of the skin first, then waiting a few minutes after washing to check if you have any reactions.

 So now Half the battle is understanding what is going in your skin - The second half is the right application. As you may get too much or none of the benefits in the formula. 

1. Before using any Skincare product Solution, always read the product manual if you haven't done so already. There are some details in there that can boost what you know about your skin that can save you time and money.
2. Dampen your face if you're not in the shower. The best time to cleanse is before heading to sleep. No need to wash your face in the morning if you wash at night as you can strip essential oils that your skin naturally produces. If you feel oilier in the morning than usual, use half the amount to quickly washout excess oils on the skin.
3. Take a little late longer than 45 seconds to apply the cleanser as the longer you leave it, the more beneficial ingredients will sink into your skin. During this time, massage your face to relax from a stressful day. This will also help your skin tissue stimulate essential mechanisms like circulation and growth.
4. Have a beard? Perfect. Massage in the opposite direction of your hair to get right in under the hair.
5. Rinse with cold water and pat (small compressions) dry. Use GOA's microfiber towel to dry your skin without damaging it.
There you go! You've washed like a pro. Make sure to join us in the link below for upcoming PRO CLASSES. I'm Rodrigo Diaz for GOA Skincare - Stay healthy and stay safe!💪


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