How Is Pollution Harming Your Skin?

How Is Pollution Harming Your Skin?

When our skin is exposed to pollution, it can become dry and dehydrated. The pollution can disrupt the delicate balance of water and oil in our skin, leading to an overproduction of oil, which can clog pores and lead to breakouts. What is it about pollution that causes this imbalance, and what can we do to combat its effects on our skin?

One of the main culprits behind the drying effects of pollution is the presence of free radicals. These are highly reactive molecules that are produced when our skin is exposed to UV radiation, smoke, and other environmental toxins through a process called oxidative stress. Free radicals can damage the skin's lipid barrier (lipid peroxidation1), which is responsible for keeping moisture in and pollutants out. When this barrier is damaged, water can escape from the skin more easily, leading to dryness and dehydration.

In addition to free radicals, pollution can also contribute to the breakdown of collagen and elastin (protein damage2), two proteins that are essential for maintaining the elasticity and firmness of our skin. When collagen and elastin break down, the skin becomes more prone to wrinkles and sagging.

So, what can we do to protect our skin from the drying effects of pollution? One of the most effective ways to combat pollution is to use a skincare product that is specifically formulated to counter its effects. GOA Skincare has developed an Anti-Pollution Moisturizer [APM] that is designed to reduce the impact of pollution on the skin's hydration.

This moisturizer contains a blend of pollutant-chelating (breaking down metals PM2.5), antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory ingredients that work together to neutralize the free radicals that contribute to the drying effects of pollution. It also contains ingredients like hyaluronic acid, which helps to bind moisture to the skin, and amino acids, which help to strengthen the skin's lipid barrier.

Learn more about the APM

In addition to adding the APM to your morning (or evening)                                                                routine, there are other steps you can take to protect your skin from pollution. Here are a few tips:

  1. Wash your face regularly: Pollution can build up on the surface of your skin over time, so it's important to cleanse your face regularly to remove any accumulated dirt and grime.
  2. Use a facial mask: A facial mask can help to draw out impurities and toxins from the skin, leaving it feeling clean and refreshed.
  3. Stay hydrated: Drinking plenty of water is crucial for maintaining hydration levels in the skin. Make sure to drink at least eight glasses of water per day.
  4. Avoid prolonged exposure to pollution: If you live in a heavily polluted ara, try to limit your time spent outdoors, especially during times when pollution levels are highest.

What to take from all this? Pollution can have a significant impact on the hydration levels of our skin. To combat its effects, it's important to use a solid pollution-management tool like the APM as well as follow a few simple skincare tips like washing your face regularly and staying hydrated. By taking these steps, you can help to keep your skin healthy and hydrated, even in the face of pollution.

Learn more about the APM below.


Anti-Pollution Moisturizer

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