Dark Phyto Protein Complex

Dark Phyto Protein Complex

Here at GOA Skincare, our main objective is to provide a release from the damages and rapid-aging we incur from our daily, excess habits - that's providing the industry's most effective and up to date (organic to pharmaceutical grade) ingredients to denature the pathways used by external stresses such as alcohol, hydrocarbons (smoke, pollution), UV, stress, and fatigue. To build effective solutions and to dedicate each formula for our lifestyle habits, our creative team has developed certain ingredients to control these external stresses. 

Our first step was finding a delivery system that worked to carry more product into the skin - as only a few ingredients that are in your skincare product actually absorb and become 'active'. This was overcome by creating Dark Phyto-Matter, a series of concentrated, organic extracts to heat the skin slightly and ease the absorption of larger molecules in the skin. The second step was about collagen. You might have heard of this protein time and time again when reading up on skincare - It's the skin structural framework to keep the skin young and elastic. 

Check out the x-section below:


With age, collagen weakens, leading to wrinkles and cartilage problems.


We start aging faster than normal from our lifestyle habits (like fatigue) because the collagen in our skin has lost this framework and strength. So GOA set out to develop a protein complex to protect the current framework while boosting collagen synthesis (this is as Layman as we get). In doing so we stumbled upon two other great results. There was a decrease in skin damages caused by UV light (skin was photoprotected) and it became a melanin regulator in hair, meaning the pathway in which the hair becomes grey was reduced. GOA named the protein, Dark Phyto-Protein Complex (DPPC).

GOA Skincare's product vision is to provide our members with the world's only Anti-Vice ingredients so that they can obtain healthy skin without obstructing their lifestyle habits. So more to come!

Check out GOA's first product with DPPC.

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