The Summer of the Roughian Gent.

I wonder at what point the beard was the coolest thing since the five o'clock shadow. And now, as it seems, it has been dwindling down to shorter, well kept facial hair to become one facet of bad-ass masculinity. Well, I for one can definitely bare, with eagerness, the grooming and maintenance one must deal with during this trend parabola. 

The "Roughian Gentleman" is what I have decided to base our new campaign for the summer of 2018. I cannot release the full details on what GOA MAN will conjure. But none the less, it is far more interesting from all the other rubbish they (other brands) have been throwing at you over the last decade. The Roughian Gent (Gentleman) is set in his ways but keeps that five minutes in the bathroom for grooming.


 Yes, you know grooming: (Gru-ming; a five minute meditative state in which a man must focus on not slicing his face open with sharp objects).  Yet grooming, for a decades, has been underestimated. The missing piece of the day is what I call it. Did we loose this formidable routine just to play a couple rounds of candy crush? Does the man on the left look like he plays candy crush? Then we have come to an agreement. A simple and formidable way to focus on one thing and one thing alone, to look as good as your grandpaps.


If you would like to be informed of GOA's products subscribe to our newsletter on the top left hand side of the site. Stay well-groomed.

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